1. Copy all the notes on Chapter 4: Elements, Compounds and Mixtures. Read and underline/highlight the main points in Chapter 4: Elements, Compounds and Mixtures. Work out the following questions at the end of Unit 4: Elements, Compounds and Mixtures: Pages 124-126 Multiple Choice Questions 1, 4, 8, 9, 11, 12 and 13. Structured Questions 4 and 9.
  2. A first written test is scheduled immediately after correcting the homework on Unit 6: An Introduction to the Language of Chemistry. Students are therefore advised to start revising this chapter as soon as the correction of its homework begins.
  3. Copy all the notes on Chapter 5: Air. Read and underline/highlight the main points in Chapter 5: Air. Work out the following questions at the end of Unit 7: Air: Pages 220-222 Multiple Choice Questions 2, 3, 6, 7, 9 and 10. Structured Questions 4 and 5.
  4. Copy all the notes on Chapter 6: Physical and Chemical Changes. Read and underline/highlight the main points in Chapter 6: Physical and Chemical Changes. Work out the following questions at the end of Unit 4: Elements, Compounds and Mixtures: Pages 124-128 Multiple Choice Questions 2. Structured Question 8.
  5. A second written test is scheduled immediately after correcting the homework on Unit 8: Physical and Chemical Changes. Students are therefore advised to start revising this chapter as soon as the correction of its homework begins.
  6. Using the notes in your copybook and textbook, prepare a one page summary of the chapter Elements and compounds. As a third test, you will have to recite (learn by heart) your summary two to three weeks before the end of the second term. Your summary should be in question (in red ink) and answer (in blue ink) format and should answer at least the following questions:
    1. What is an element?
    2. State the symbols, appearance and uses of the following metals: aluminium, copper, gold, iron, magnesium, mercury, silver, sodium, tin and zinc.
    3. State the symbols, appearance and uses of the following non-metals: bromine, carbon, chlorine, helium, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, silicon and sulfur.
    4. State three ways in which chemical elements may be classified.
    5. State four main differences between metals and non-metals.
    6. Where can metals and non-metals be located in the Periodic Table?
    7. What is a compound?
    8. Give examples of two common compounds.
    9. What is a mixture?
    10. Give examples of two common mixtures.
    11. Draw diagrams to compare the particles in an element, a compound and a mixture.
    12. Use a table to compare an element, a compound and a mixture
    13. State the percentage, by volume, of the different gases present in air.
    14. State three properties of pure air.
    15. Which gas, present in air, is needed for the following processes:
      1. burning (combustion)
      2. respiration,
      3. photosynthesis?
    16. Name one use for each of the following gases: oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and the noble gases.
    17. With the help of a labelled diagram explain how the following gases are prepared, collected and tested:
      1. oxygen
      2. carbon dioxide.
    18. How will you show that air contains:
      1. water vapour
      2. Carbon dioxide?
    19. Use an example to explain what is meant by a physical change.
    20. Why are changes of state considered to be physical changes?
    21. Define the following changes of state: melting, freezing, boiling, condensation, sublimation and deposition.
    22. Use an example to explain what is meant by a chemical change.
    23. Why are the following considered to be chemical changes: burning, rusting, respiration and photosynthesis?
    24. Using simple examples, explain how a physical change is different from a chemical change.
  7. A fourth, written test based on the notes in the book, copybook, exercise book and on the summary is also scheduled two to three weeks before the end of the second term.


  1. Copy all the notes on Chapter 4: Language of Chemistry. Read and underline/highlight the main points in Unit 6: The Language of Chemistry. Work out the following questions at the end of Unit 6: The Language of Chemistry: Pages 195-199 Questions 2, 5, 7 and 9—19.
  2. A first written test is scheduled immediately after correcting the homework on Unit 6: The Language of Chemistry. Students are therefore advised to start revising this chapter as soon as the correction of its homework begins.
  3. Copy all the notes on Chapter 5: Acids, Bases and Salts. Read and underline/highlight the main points in Unit 8: Acids, Bases and Salts. Work out the following questions at the end of Unit 8: Acids, Bases and Salts: Pages 278-281 Multiple Choice Questions 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8. Structured Questions 1, 4, 5 and 6.
  4. A second written test is scheduled immediately after correcting the homework on Unit 8: Acids, Bases and Salts. Students are therefore advised to start revising this chapter as soon as the correction of its homework begins.
  5. Using the notes in your copybook and textbook, prepare a one page summary of the chapters: The Language of Chemistry and Acids, Bases and Salts. As a third test you will have to recite (learn by heart) your summary two to three weeks before the end of the second term. Your summary should be in question (in red ink) and answer (in blue ink) format and should answer at least the following questions:
    1. Define the term compound.
    2. State some properties of compounds.
    3. What is an atom?
    4. What is a molecule?
    5. State the symbols and valencies of the following metals: aluminium, barium, calcium, copper, gold, iron, lead, magnesium, mercury, potassium, silver, sodium, tin and zinc.
    6. State the symbols and valencies of the following non-metals: argon, bromine, carbon, chlorine, fluorine, helium, hydrogen, iodine, neon, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, silicon and sulfur.
    7. What is a radical?
    8. State the formulae and the valencies of the following radicals: ammonium, carbonate, hydroxide, nitrate and sulfate.
    9. How do we deduce the formula of a compound if we know the symbols and valencies of the elements it contains?
    10. Using an appropriate example explain what is a word equation.
    11. What is an acid?
    12. State some properties of acids.
    13. What is a base?
    14. State some properties of bases and alkalis.
    15. Where are bases used in everyday life?
    16. What is an indicator?
    17. State the colours of litmus, methyl orange and phenolphthalein indicators in acids and alkalis (basic solutions).
    18. What is a pH scale?
    19. State some strong and weak acids.
    20. State some strong and weak bases.
    21. Define neutralisation.
    22. How is neutralisation important in everyday life?
    23. What is a salt and how is it named?
    24. Identify the products of reactions of acids with metals.
    25. Identify the products of reactions of acids with bases (metal oxides and metal hydroxides).
    26. Identify the products of reactions of acids with metal carbonates.
  6. A fourth, written test based on the notes in the book, copybook, exercise book and on the summary is also scheduled two to three weeks before the end of the second term.


  1. Copy all the notes on Chapter 4: Language of Chemistry. Read and underline/highlight the main points in Chapter 4 Language of Chemistry. Pages 90-92 Multiple Choice Questions 1, 5 and 6. Structured Questions 4(a)(d)(f), 5(g)(h)(m) and 6.
  2. A first written test is scheduled immediately after correcting the homework on Chapter 4: Language of Chemistry. Students are therefore advised to start revising this chapter as soon as the correction of its homework begins.
  3. Copy all the notes on Chapter 5: Metals and Reactivity Series. Read and underline/highlight the main points in Chapter 5: Metals and Reactivity Series. Pages 115-118 Multiple Choice Questions 4, 5, 6 and 8. Structured Questions 2, 4 and 5.
  4. A second written test will be given immediately after correcting the homework on Chapter 5: Metals and Reactivity Series. Students are therefore advised to start revising this chapter as soon as the correction of its homework begins.
  5. Copy all the notes on Chapter 6: Salts. Read and underline/highlight the main points in Chapter 5: Salts. Pages 132-134 Multiple Choice Questions 1, 4, 6 and 7. Structured Questions 2, 3 and 5.
  6. Using the 2020 Syllabus prepare a two sheet (four pages) summary of the chapters Language of Chemistry, Metals and Reactivity Series and Salts. As a third test, you will have to recite your summary two to three weeks before the second term examinations. Your summary should be in question (in red ink) and answer (in blue ink) format and should answer at least the following questions:
    1. What is a chemical formula?
    2. How do we work out the formulae of simple compounds?
    3. Distinguish between reactants and products.
    4. How do we write a balanced chemical equation?
    5. List the metals in the reactivity series.
    6. Compare the reactions of the metals in the reactivity series with oxygen.
    7. Compare the reactions of the metals in the reactivity series with water.
    8. Compare the reactions of the metals in the reactivity series with dilute acids.
    9. Using a suitable example explain the meaning of the term displacement reaction.
    10. Define neutralisation reaction.
    11. What is a salt and how is it named?
    12. Identify soluble and insoluble salts.
  7. A fourth, written test based on the 2020 Syllabus, on the notes in the book, copybook, exercise book and on the summary is also scheduled two to three weeks before the end of the second term.


  1. Copy all the notes on Chapter 4: Stoichiometry. Read and underline/highlight the main points in Chapter 4: Stoichiometry. Pages 153-154 Exercise 8 Foundation question 5. Challenge questions 1 and 2. Pages 178-179 Exercise 9 Foundation questions 2, 16, 17 and 22. Pages 203-206 Exercise 10 Foundation questions 3, 6 and 9. Challenge question 5.
  2. A first written test is scheduled immediately after correcting the homework on Chapter 4: Stoichiometry. Students are therefore advised to start revising this chapter as soon as the correction of homework on Stoichiometry begins.
  3. Copy all the notes on Chapter 20: Experimental Techniques and Chemical Analysis. Read and underline/highlight the main points in Chapter 20: Experimental Techniques and Chemical Analysis. Pages 40-42 Exercise 2 Foundation questions 2, 3, 6, 8(a) and 9. Pages 69-73 Exercise 3 Foundation questions 4, 14, 16, 18 and 21.
  4. A second written test is scheduled immediately after correcting the homework on Chapter 20: Experimental Techniques and Chemical Analysis. Students are therefore advised to start revising this chapter as soon as the correction of its homework begins.
  5. Copy all the notes on Chapter 11: Acids, Bases and Classification of Oxides. Read and underline/highlight the main points in Chapter 11: Acids, Bases and Classification of Oxides. Pages 226-228 Exercise 11 Foundation questions 4, 7, 9, 12, 13 and 16. Challenge question 6.
  6. A third written test is scheduled immediately after Chapter 11: Acids, Bases and Classification of Oxides. Students are therefore advised to start revising this chapter as soon as the correction of its homework begins.
  7. Update your summary by adding, in your sheet of paper, the Chemistry Formulae covered during the second term.
  8. Update your summary by adding in the other sheet, the Chemistry Definitions and Terms covered during the second term.
  9. On a sheet of paper, prepare a summary containing Chemistry General Equations covered during the second term.
  10. In the small copybook, update your Chemistry Experiments and Labelled Diagrams covered during the second term.
  11. As a fourth test, you will have to recite (learn by heart) the above Chemistry Summaries (stated in parts 7, 8 and 9 above) two to three weeks before the end of the second term.
  12. A fifth, written test based on Chemistry Experiments and Labelled Diagrams is also scheduled two to three weeks before the end of the second term.


  1. Copy all the notes on Chapter 9: Reversible Reactions and Chemical Equilibrium. Read and underline/highlight the main points in Chapter 9: Reversible Reactions and Chemical Equilibrium. Pages 425-428 Exercise 19 Foundation question 2, 10, 12 and 21. Challenge question 3.
  2. A first written test is scheduled immediately after completing Chapter 9: Reversible Reactions and Chemical Equilibirum. Students are therefore advised to start revising this chapter as soon as the correction of its homework begins.
  3. Copy all the notes on Chapter 10: Redox. Read and underline/highlight the main points in Chapter 10: Redox. Pages 263-265 Exercise 13 Foundation questions 6, 7, 10, 12, 13 and 18. Challenge question 10.
  4. Copy all the notes on Chapter 16: An Introduction to Organic Chemistry. Read and underline/highlight the main points in Chapter 16: An Introduction to Organic Chemistry. Pages 464-466 Exercise 21 Foundation questions 2, 4, 13 and 14. Challenge question 3.
  5. Copy all the notes on Chapter 17: Alkanes and Alkenes. Read and underline/highlight the main points in Chapter 17: Alkanes and Alkenes. Pages 475 Exercise 22 Foundation question 1, 4, 7 and 11. Pages 489-492 Exercise 23 Foundation question 1, 3, 5, 6 and 13. Challenge question 4.
  6. A second written test is scheduled immediately after completing Chapter 16: An Introduction to Organic Chemistry and Chapter 17: Alkanes and Alkenes. Students are therefore advised to start revising these chapters as soon as the correction of homework on Chapter 17: Alkanes and Alkenes begins.
  7. Copy all the notes on Chapter 18: Alcohols and Carboxylic Acids. Read and underline/highlight the main points in Chapter 18: Alcohols and Carboxylic Acids. Pages 509-512 Exercise 24 Foundation questions 2, 3, 5, 7 and 15. Challenge question 1.
  8. Copy all the notes on Chapter 19: Polymers. Read and underline/highlight the main points in Chapter 19: Polymers. Pages 530-534 Exercise 25 Foundation question 1, 2, 7, 16 and 19.
  9. On the sheet of paper, update your summary so as to include all Chemistry Formulae for School Certificate.
  10. On the other sheet of paper, update your summary so as to include all Chemistry Definitions and Terms for School Certificate.
  11. On still another sheet of paper, update your summary so as to include all Chemistry General Equations for School Certificate.
  12. In the small copybook, update your summary so as to include all Chemistry Experiments and Labelled Diagrams.
  13. As a third written test, you will have to recite (learn by heart) the above Chemistry Summaries (stated in parts 9, 10 and 11 above) two to three weeks before the end of the second term.
  14. A fourth, written test based on Chemistry Experiments and Labelled Diagrams is also scheduled two to three weeks before the end of the second term.
  15. Download, print and Work out Cambridge School Certificate 'O' Level paper November 2008 Paper 1 (Multiple Choice), Paper 2 (Theory) and Paper 4 (Alternative-to-Practical).


  1. Copy all the notes on Chapter 4: States of Matter. Read and underline/highlight the main points in Unit 4: States of Matter. N1991P1Q7, N1996P4Q5, N2000P3Q6, N1994P4Q35, J2012P11Q31, J2000P1Q2 and N2009P22Q1.
  2. A first written test is scheduled immediately after correcting the homework on Unit 4: States of Matter. Students are therefore advised to start revising this chapter as soon as the correction of its homework begins.
  3. Copy all the notes on Chapter 5: Chemical Energetics. Read and underline/highlight the main points in Unit 5: Chemical Energetics. N1990P1Q6, J1992P4Q5, J1995P4Q6, J1994P4Q31, N2004P1Q31, J1991P2Q1 and N2003P2Q3.
  4. A second written test is scheduled immediately after correcting the homework on Unit 5: Chemical Energetics. Students are therefore advised to start revising this chapter as soon as the correction of its homework begins.
  5. Copy all the notes on Chapter 9: The Periodic Table and Chemical Periodicity. Read and underline/highlight the main points in Unit 9: The Periodic Table: chemical periodicity. N1990P1Q14, J2006P1Q15, J2011P12Q16, J2000P3Q31, J2010P12Q35, N1990P2Q3 and J1994P1Q6.
  6. A third written test is scheduled immediately after correcting the homework on Unit 9: The Periodic Table: chemical periodicity. Students are therefore advised to start revising this chapter as soon as the correction of its homework begins.
  7. Copy all the notes on Chapter 10: Group 2 The Alkaline-Earth Metals. Read and underline/highlight the main points in Unit 10: Group 2 The Alkaline-Earth Metals. N1991P1Q17, J2000P3Q13, N2003P1Q14, J1998P3Q34, N2006P1Q34, N1997P1Q5 and J2011P21Q3.
  8. A fourth written test is scheduled immediately after correcting the homework on Unit 10: Group 2. Students are therefore advised to start revising this chapter as soon as the correction of its homework begins.
  9. On another sheet of paper, update your Chemistry Formulae covered during the second term.
  10. On still another sheet of paper, update your summary containing Chemistry Definitions and Terms covered during the second term.
  11. On a sheet of paper, update your summary of Chemistry General Equations covered during the second term.
  12. In the small copybook, update your Chemistry Descriptions & Mechanisms and Labelled Diagrams covered during the second term.
  13. As a fifth test, you will have to recite (learn by heart) the above Chemistry Summaries (stated in parts 9, 10 and 11 above) two to three weeks before the end of the second term.
  14. A sixth, written test based on Chemistry Descriptions & Mechanisms and Labelled Diagrams is also scheduled two to three weeks before the end of the second term.


  1. Copy all the notes on Chapter 18: Carbonyl Compounds. Read and underline/highlight the main points in Unit 18: Carbonyl Compounds. N1992P4Q26, N2004P1Q26, J2010P12Q23, N2003P1Q38, N2007P1Q39, J2009P2Q5 and N2011P22Q5.
  2. Copy all the notes on Chapter 19: Carboxylic Acids and Derivatives. Read and underline/highlight the main points in Unit 19: Carboxylic Acids and Derivatives. N1993P4Q27, J1998P3Q28, J2011P12Q30, J2007P1Q40, J2011P11Q40, N2003P4Q4(a)(c) and J2012P42Q5(a)(b).
  3. Copy all the notes on Chapter 20: Nitrogen Compounds. Read and underline/highlight the main point in Unit 20: Nitrogen Compounds. N1990P1Q30, N1998P3Q27, N2000P3Q28, N1996P4Q39, N1998P3Q40, J2004P4Q4(a) and N2009P42Q2(a).
  4. Copy all the notes on Chapter 21: Polymerisation. Read and underline/highlight the main points in Unit 21: Polymerisation. J1991P1Q23, J1993P4Q30, N2008P1Q6, N1993P4Q40, N1997P3Q40, J2008P4Q7 and N2008P4Q7.
  5. Copy all the notes on Chapter 22: Analytical Techniques. Read and underline/highlight the main points in Unit 22: Analytical Techniques. N2005P6Q8, N2006P6Q5, J2011P41Q8 and J2012P42Q7.
  6. Copy all the notes on Chapter 23: Organic Synthesis. Read and underline/highlight the main points in Unit 23: Organic Synthesis. N1990P1Q29, N1994P4Q26, J2005P1Q25, N2004P1Q40, J2003P1Q38, N2002P2Q6(d) and J2006P4Q5.
  7. A first written test is scheduled immediately after correcting the homework on Units 18 to 23. Students are therefore advised to start revising this chapter as soon as the correction of homework on Unit 23: Organic Synthesis begins.
  8. On the sheet of paper, update your summary so as to include all Chemistry Formulae for Higher School Certificate.
  9. On the sheet of paper, update your summary so as to include all Chemistry Definitions and Terms for Higher School Certificate.
  10. On the sheet of paper, update your summary so as to include all Chemistry General Equations for Higher School Certificate.
  11. In the small copybook, update your summary so as to include all Chemistry Descriptions & Mechanisms for Higher School Certificate.
  12. In the small copybook, update your summary so as to include all Chemistry Labelled Diagrams for Higher School Certificate.
  13. As a second test, you will have to recite (learn by heart) the above Chemistry Summaries (stated in parts 8, 9 and 10 above) three weeks before the end of the second term.
  14. A third, written test based on Chemistry Descriptions & Mechanisms and Labelled Diagrams is also scheduled three weeks before the end of the second term.
  15. Download, print and Work out Cambridge Higher School Certificate 'A' Level paper November 2016 Paper 52 (Planning, Analysis and Evaluation).
  16. John Kennedy College Mock Examinations Papers Mark Schemes Paper 2 (As Level Structured Questions), Paper 3 (Advanced Level Practical) and Paper 5 (Planning, Analysis and Evaluation).